塾教室用コンピュータ準備 -- Configure Hyper-V (Server Core manage from Windows 8.1)


I’d like to manage Virtual Machines through my desktop environment using Hper-V Manager.  References:http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh846766.aspx

Install Hyper-V

Following command add Hyper-V role to server

Install-WindowsFeature –Name Hyper-V -ComputerName XENON -IncludeManagementTools -Restart

 Hyper-V Remote

Back to my Windows 8.1 desktop that already running VMs on Hyper-V for test purpose, and Hyper-V Manager installed.  Lunch Hyper-V Manager on Windows 8.1 and select “Connect to  Server …” on computer list got an ugly error Hyper-V Manager Error“You do not have the required permission to complete this task.  Contact the administrator of the authorization policy for the computer “COMPUTERNAME”.   But I was not alone and can find many of same posts on the internet.  Here is the one,Connecting Remotely with Hyper-V Manager. This article using HVRemove which is available from Microsoft.  I’ve tried to get it using Microsoft native wget as following, but get timed out.

install-windowsfeature WindowsPowerShellWebAccess

So, just download file on Windows 8.1 desktop and copy it to server using USB key.  I have tried to figure out copy a file from local to remote but exhausted for search…   Tried this out, but still “access denied…”http://pei.com/2013/05/hyper-v-manager-access-denied/

Finally got it work.

I’ve just took a rest, and install remote Server Manager as posted next.  And finally I’ve found Hyper-V Manager inside Server Manager.  When right mouse menu over the Server Name (XENON in this case), it has an item “Hyper-V Manager”.  In order to get this menu item, Hyper-V should be a current selection on left most view pane (under Dashboard, All Servers, File and Storage Services, and then Hyper-V). It is really hard to find it.

Hyper-V Manager Success
